Can anyone help nanna?

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Can anyone help nanna? Empty Can anyone help nanna?

Mensaje  eliment Mar Sep 06, 2016 8:09 pm

Nanna for years has wounded how old her dinning set is. roughly when it was made.

Can anyone help nanna? 3492c9h_th

Not much is known.
They are not stamped. All the serving dishes, plates, bowls and tea cups have the same pattan on them.
From who originally owned them they are over 100 years old.
Due to the age Nanna said it's more likely to be made in Britain as not much of it's kind was imported into the UK. It has nothing to do with Value. To nanna's knollage the full set is there including a broken plate her antie broke while cleaning.

If anyone can give a rough date or knows of any where what can help with information on this thing. You will make my nanna very happy.

Thanxs for your time.


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 01/04/2014

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Can anyone help nanna? Empty Re: Can anyone help nanna?

Mensaje  harpa Mar Sep 06, 2016 11:07 pm

I don't know. Sorry.


Messages : 8041
Data de inscrição : 17/12/2012

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Can anyone help nanna? Empty Re: Can anyone help nanna?

Mensaje  eliment Miér Sep 07, 2016 12:16 am

It's alright it was a long shot. I have tried for a few years this is the first time with a picture of the pattern. But without knowing more information I keep on getting ones what are stamped in the search engen. That and not knowing much on pottery.


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 01/04/2014

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Can anyone help nanna? Empty Re: Can anyone help nanna?

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