Stardust Pheonix ~ If the Forums Were real

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Stardust Pheonix ~ If the Forums Were real Empty Stardust Pheonix ~ If the Forums Were real

Post  Micromeichi Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:49 am

Stardust Pheonix ~ If the Forums Were real 1htnqg

A user runs around the forum, for it is her first day there. A smile is wide across her face, it is a new day! Time to make friends! Write stories! Maybe become a role-player! A memory that was once so dear to me I can hold onto no longer, for it is no longer fond, it more of something that I lost.

I'm what you call a phoenix, or more or less what I call one. It's a user who's been inactive for an extended amount of time, and then comes back and makes an even bigger name for themselves. Sounds rather true to me, doesn't it?

Well, here's the story of Winxer, me, and maybe by the way I've presented it, you think you're in for a tale sprinkled with melancholy.

Well that isn't quite the case

This is the story of dorky me, as she goes from inncoent newb to the well-known user, to my, er, um 'death' and the cycle repeating. This will be filled with my idiotic accolades, with the friends coming and going, until I get where I am now, with the best group of nerds a girl could ask for.

Fasten your seatbelts, folks, as this Phoenix is taking flight.


Messages : 1885
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-29

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Stardust Pheonix ~ If the Forums Were real Empty Re: Stardust Pheonix ~ If the Forums Were real

Post  Micromeichi Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:53 am

Stardust Pheonix ~ If the Forums Were real Sz7nn4


Act 1 - Dustchick
Scene 1 Sunrise - Page 1

Act 2 - Starbird

Act 3 - Comet Hawk


Messages : 1885
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-29

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Stardust Pheonix ~ If the Forums Were real Empty Re: Stardust Pheonix ~ If the Forums Were real

Post  Micromeichi Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:00 am

April 25th  2011 - Nickoledeon Winx Club Boards

A new world shone before my eyes. I was a little girl, no older than the age of 9, traveling across the Nickoledeon message board as Hailey123, as the new Winx Club boards had opened up to celebrate the dubbing of my favorite show when I was even smaller.

"The Official Winx News!" One topic shouted. My intrest piqued, I walked my way in. A newstand told me things I already had known, but then a portal stood in front of me, glowing pink and purple.

The Official Winx Club Site

The information beside it told of a place with its own virtual world, a forum without post-approval. I could get my message out instantly! How fun! Without a second thought, I hopped through.

And that was my last day, on the Nick boards, and my first day, on Winx. A new land of hopes and possibilities, were just a step, or click, away.

July 4th, 2011 - Winx Club main page

For several months, my account, Winxlover449, was used strictly for Winx Adventure, under the alias Hayleymay. I was 10 now, as my birthday was May 26th. Today was different though. I had made my Miniwinx pretty cute, and today I set out for the forums, the instant message boards I had been so keen on entering but had shyed away from. Several portals stood in front of me as I entered the main hub of the site, as I did every day. The main hub always had few people in it, mainly new users and gamers, and the occasional Winx Adventure player like me.

Winx Adventure

For the first time,  I ventured through the forum portal. It seemed to suck me in faster than the portals before, like a wormhole.  Colors swirled around me as I spun through the portal, only to get spit back out.

I stood in the middle of a busy town Square,  various people running to and fro. I was terrified, there was so many people.  I turned around to go back, but there was no portal out. I was stuck.

I glanced around in panic,  looking for a way out. As my eyes scoped the area,  a little cyber pixie flitted to my side.

"Hello, Winxlover449!" It's little mechanical voice chirped. "I'm the Forum User Assitance System,  or FAUS. I'll be the one helping you around!"

I waved hello to FAUS, before asking her for a way out. She broke into hysterics.

"Silly goose! Once you enter the Forums, you don't leave!  You live here now!" She said in between fits of robotic laughter.


I was about to enter a panic attack. I live in this city now? With a robot at my guide?  I should have never stepped through that portal!

"Calm down, Winxlover449!" FAUS said, sitting on my shoulder now.  "It's not that bad, let's just go to WELCOME!"

WELCOME!? I sure hoped WELCOME! was real estate, because I had no place to sleep!

Sure enough,  WELCOME! was a huge apartment building. Lucky for me. FAUS led me in, where there was a lady with deep Purple hair, and orange headband, and a business suit sat at a desk.

She greeted me with a warm smile.  "Hi there! I'm Marriposa, a mini moderator here!" She said, handing me an application.  "Please fill this out and I'll get you a room!"

I took the application with caution,  before filling it out. The questions were like a personality quiz, who my favorite winx was, my favorite color, and the like. Once I filled it out,  Marriposa led me to a fairly decent sized apartment. Once I got situated,  she handed me a calendar of events.

"I hope you enjoy it here, and remember,  please contact me, RitaWinxGirl, Ayuko, or katelephebia if you have any questions!" Marriposa said, before waving farewell and leaving me alone with FAUS.

I fell head first on the bed, and thought about my situation.  I was in this forum city with no way out, I have an apartment,  and there's this pixie thing with me. I had to go out and socialize eventually,  but not now.

It had been along enough day already.


Messages : 1885
Data de inscrição : 2014-03-29

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Stardust Pheonix ~ If the Forums Were real Empty Re: Stardust Pheonix ~ If the Forums Were real

Post  Joseyposey Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:54 pm

Laughing Oh man, I love dorky you.
Keep on going! Very Happy


Messages : 964
Data de inscrição : 2014-02-23

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