Naruto RPG (Start!)

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:18 pm

"That now leaves Namie and Saskue, i hope he isn't on his own around here, it has to be out of bounds to us villagers for a reason, I also help the girl with the fan is nice to Namie". Vixen said looking around every time she heard a rustling noise. "I hope there are no snakes in here". She muttered


Hinata was sticking close to her team keeping out of site of the others checking them out for possible threats.


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:30 pm

Namine and Temari were walking and notice quiet it was. Sasuke was watching to see who was approaching and start to approach his 2 opponents. Sasuke was watching movement until it was the right time to attack. As the 2 girls stopped, one of them sense something close by.

Sasuke's eyes widen and right away took out his kunai and jumped on the ground ready to attack the 2 girls. Temari notice the attack quickly opened her fan and protect her and Namine. Sasuke jumped back and start panting in order to catch his breath. Temari held on to the fan and was ready to attack Sasuke. "Sasuke..." Namine blinked.

"Namine!" Sasuke was surprise to see Namine with someone from a different village.

"You know him Namine?" Temari asked as she gave Sasuke a dirty look.

"He's from the same village." Namine said.

Temari closed her fan and sighed, "Seriously don't do attacks like that kid."

"Sorry..." Sasuke as he went with the group. "Have you seen Naruto or Vixen?" He mentioned.

"No..." Namine nodded. "I was with Temari. Still couldn't find Naruto or the others."

"Finding your friends might be easy. Namine, once you find your friends... I'm going to find my 2 brothers." Temari mentioned.

"On your own?" Namine gasped.

The group enter the forest and start to look around. Things were quiet. "Maybe Namine is at the end already." Tenten sighed.

"Neji." Lee said as Neji knew he was talking about.

"Ok..." Neji nodded. "Bakyugan!" Neji said as he start to squint his eyes and look through the forest.

"How is it?" Tenten asked curiously.

"Any sign of Namine or Sasuke?" Naruto asked curiously.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:43 pm

Vixen watched Naji she had never thought of using the eyes to try and track. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her negative motions before opening them to summon her pink Sharingan. She stood there only moving her eyes not being able to work out what was going on with all of the moving around she rubbed her eyes to make them go away. She shrugged her shoulders. "Not a clue".


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:54 pm

"Well, look what we have here." A voice called out.

Naruto glared over and notice a team giving the group a dirty look. "What do you want?" Naruto shouted.

Namine heard Naruto from a far along with Sasuke. "Did you heard that?" Namine asked curiously.

"I heard it as well." Sasuke nodded in agreement.

Temari and the 3 of them start to follow the path of where Naruto's voice trail leads to. "I should have known you guys were suspicious." Tenten said as she glared at the team.

"The hidden village of sound." Neji said. "What do you guys want?"

"We were just wondering what are a couple of Genins doing here." Another person chuckled. "You guys probably must be scared to do this kind of exam." He walked up to them and smirked.

"My..." The girl suddenly appeared behind Sakura. "What long hair do you have." The girl suddenly grip on to Sakura's hair and pulled it. "You know, it's a disadvantage to have long hair."

"Sakura!" Naruto gasped.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:58 pm

"Get of her and you have long hair too". Vixen cryed out she was scared to attack in case she hit Sakura. "Now what if we do somthing we might hit Sakura". She whispered to the others.


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:05 pm

"Sounds like they are in trouble." Temari said as she got her fan ready.

Sakura was trying to get away but she doesn't know what to do. "What are you going to do?" Kin asked as she smirked. "Go ahead try moving."

Naruto wanted to attack but Kin but, instead he got blocked with due to Zaku. "Not going to happen kid." Zaku said. Zaku pushed Naruto back and Naruto glide his feet in order to land safely.

Sakura slowly got out her kunai and she slowly looked at Kin. "I don't even care about my hair... you can have it if you want!" Sakura said as she cut through her pulled hair in order for her to be free from Kin's grip.

Temari, Namine, and Sasuke arrived. Sasuke notice the battle and there was chaos going on. Dosu appeared behind Vixen and got a grip of her coming from behind.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:12 pm

"Sakura don't". Vixen cried out thinking she was going to hurt herself, she sighed with it was only her hair. "Namie, Saskue". Vixen sighed when she saw they were both safe, she heard somthing behind her, she span around summoning the pink Sharingan again.


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Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:17 pm

Sasuke knew Vixen was going to be hurt and out of nowhere he joined in the battle and kicked Dosu away from Vixen. "Stay...away from her!" Sasuke shouted as he activated his sharingan.

Naruto was surprise to see Sasuke activated his sharingan with Vixen. Both of them had their sharingans Naruto amaze to see both of them becoming strong. Zaku was about to punch Naruto from behind but Namine, jumped down and punched Zaku out of the way which made Zaku flying and hit himself on a tree.

Namine was giving the enemy the dirty look and Temari was standing beside of her. "Don't you even dare think about touching him..." Namine hissed as she glared at both the 2 enemies.

"You know, I don't get why you guys are doing this." A voice suddenly came as they reveal themself to everyone.

"Orochimaru-sensei..." Kin gasped.

"What a nice strength you got there...Murakami..." Orochimaru chuckled.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:23 pm

"Who exactly are you? You weren't in the examination hall". Vixen snapped staying close to Saskue she was scared he would go in blind like he just did


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Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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