Naruto RPG (Start!)

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 7 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:27 pm

"I called you my niece... because since we have the same last name, you were part of the family." Sasuke said. "You never told anyone that my own brother was your father. Why didn't you tell me?" Sasuke asked as he gave a dirty look at Vixen.

"Sasuke, this is no time to start some kind of drama." Namine said as she gave a sad look.

"And what about you Namine?! You're the same as Naruto! He knew about you guys as well! Don't you feel ashame?! Don't you feel scared?! He would even called you a monster in front of everyone!" Sasuke suddenly blurted out.

"I am not a monster!" Namine shouted. She wanted to tear up because she hasn't been call that name in a long time. She used to be called that by many people because she was the same as Naruto. She was all alone when she was a child. She had no one, her parents were killed, she was born with a beast inside her. She couldn't control, hearing that word made Namine more useless. She gave a sad look and a tear start to roll on her cheek.

"Sasuke! Why won't you just shut up?!" Naruto suddenly shouted as he gave Sasuke a dirty look. "Give Namine a break! It wasn't both her or Vixen's fault!"


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 7 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:41 pm

"Ever since i come here i was a lone being called a spy because i wasn't born to a village, everyone saying bad things about Itchiu, saying he killed the clan, what would they say if they knew he was my father, what would you have said? you snapped at everyone back then, all i wanted for you to be happy". Vixen said turning her back to Saskue she wanted to run but knew she would get lost plus not knowing who or what she would bump into. Vixen then saw the look on Namie's face she put her hand on her shoulder. "You OK".

"Oh Naruto". Hinata said seeing Naruto getting all worked up.


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 7 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:04 pm

"I am just going to go..." Namine said as she notice she was making a scene in front of everyone.

Namine walked passed everyone and Naruto gave a sad look and growled at Sasuke. "You know Sasuke, why do you have to hurt people like that? Even your own niece." Naruto said as he walked away trying to catch up to Namine.

"Sasuke..." Ino said as she gave a sad look at him.

"I'm sorry..." Sasuke said. "I don't know what got into me..."

Things were quiet in the group. Anko sighed as she knew the sound ninjas will be causing the problem. "Alright, everyone tomorrow will be the last part of the test. Whether to prove yourself to see if you are a Chunin or not. See you guys tomorrow." Anko said as she walked away and everyone got separated.

Temari gave a worried look as Namine walked away. "Temari, you alright?" Kankuro asked curiously.

"I'm fine." Temari said.

"You're worried about her aren't you?" Gaara asked as he notice Temari's expression.

"She's the same as you Gaara." Temari mentioned as she walked away.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 7 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:13 pm

"Namie don't walk off, I don't want to loose you again". Vixen wined running after her, not bothering to look at Saskue. "I don't think we should go off alone you heard what Hinata said about the sound ninja". She said giving Namie a worried look. "What happens if they killed you?"


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 7 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:34 pm

"Then let it be... why do I even bother?" Namine said as she gave an annoyed look.

"Namine..." Naruto said as notice how pissed Namine was. "Vixen, just head back to the village. We are not even doing the other part until tomorrow."

"If you want to talk, not talking to neither of you for a moment." Namine said as she continue on walking back to the village.

Naruto sighed and glanced over at Vixen, "I'm sorry, Namine is kind of upset because Sasuke had to call her a monster."


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 7 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:44 pm

"Idnor Saskue, he has gotten use to ignoring everyone elts. He is just being a jerk". Vixen said as tears come to her eyes she was scared those sound ninja would get her. "What happens if you bump into those sound ninja we don't know what they can do that and that man again?" Vixen hugged her. "When i couldn't find you i was so worried even Neji couldn't find you I thought somthing might have happened".


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 7 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:19 pm

Namine was shocked to see Vixen this way. She gave a sad look and hugged Vixen back. "I'm sorry... and that's the way of the ninjas. You can't always be with your team for a while. Most of the have to be separated from them." Namine mentioned.

Naruto gave a sad look and he sighed, "I bet Kakashi and Kasumi-sensei know about this."

"With that incident, they are going to keep on watch of us at all time Naruto." Namine said as she glanced at Naruto.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 7 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:26 pm

"That Orchuimaru guy shouldn't have been here, he wasn't in the examination hall with us so he isn't taking this exam". Vixen looked down at the floor. "I don't know what he want's to do with Saskue but I don't like it and how does he know all that stuff".


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 7 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:27 pm

"He's a sannin." Namine mentioned. "He used to know this village and know the history of it. He even knows the history of my clan and Naruto's. And he would know about Itachi, since he was the one who murder the clan."


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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