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Post  MadamePhantomTrancy Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:57 am

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                                                              Say goodbye
                                                      As we dance with the devil tonight
                                                   Don't you dare look at him in the eye
                                                     As we dance with the devil tonight...

[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Fancy-divider-300x41
That's it.
The streets of Victoria's capital, the mighty London have been getting colder.
More harsher, and it seems the demons living on earth are doing their job.
But what about the humans in contract with them?
We best suppose they are doomed to an eternity of pain for their decisions, but their pasts determined their poor souls to choose the worse decision and play out the fate they've been given.

But what are those humans up to? What are they trying to eliminate?
More importantly, what are they all up to? Because it's not been the same recently...

Murders left right and centre, and nobles travelling everywhere, the butlers with them eerily following them like a shadow, and anyone who stands in their way, exterminated.

It only points to those contracted, but even then, the public is clueless. Can they continue their way of life and meet others like them?
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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Gen_boutons

If you are a demon - being in a contract with a human would work well in this roleplay. However it is your choice, as my character will be a human and will be in a contract. But it would be highly advisable for the demons to be in a contract as well as the humans.
-[[Esther Kisling/Page1/MadamePhantomTrancy/Human]]-
-[[Lillian Darby/Page1/MadamePhantomTrancy/Demon]]-
-[[Amelia Drake/Page1/Semicolon;/Grim Reaper]]-
-[[Alabaster Grey/Page1/Semicolon;/Demon]]-
-[[Allana Stonewell/Page2/Anatee/Grim reaper]]-
-[[Touko Schnee/Page2/Anatee/Human]]-
-[[Aisaka Taiga/Page3/ThePhivs/Grim reaper]]-
-[[Character spot/oc/type]]-
-[[Character spot/oc/type]]-
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Last edited by MadamePhantomTrancy on Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:00 am; edited 18 times in total


Messages : 1326
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-03

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Post  MadamePhantomTrancy Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:11 pm

[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Divider

You are either a human, a demon, or a grim reaper who resides somewhat close to the capital city of London, a hub for everything one could ever want. Your job? It varies.

After a recent murder of another noble family, most of Victorian London is on lookout - Scotland yard, and Queen Victoria herself. But what they don't know is that they are only striking those in contracts with demons themselves.

The selected few grim reapers, unlucky humans and the contracted humans and demons only know this. And what will you do about this?

After being invited to a ball organized by none other than the Phantomhives, who after extensive research done by the butler, concluded you and the others would make a team viable of uncovering who was behind the murders of the households.

But, what if you didn't get along, rivalry ensued, can you all keep together as noble households fall, and will you fall victim to it? To eliminate this threat, demon or human, or extraordinarily a grim reaper, you must all work together. The Queen and the public are somewhat depending on you.

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Messages : 1326
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-03

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Post  MadamePhantomTrancy Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:11 pm

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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Gen_boutons

Smaller, more minor characters will make an appearance such as the servants and other shinigami, but these are the 'main' characters who can be played. Minor characters will be played by everyone.

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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Gen_boutons

A serious young boy of 13, he started the movement and hopes to bring down the threat to his household.  He is eager to supply for this case - he sees this as a serious threat. He is using the shinigami and other nobles and those contracted with demons to aide to the cause of finding them.

Played by: [Me]

Taken by: [Amelia Drake/Semicolon;]

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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Giphy

[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Gen_boutons

A loyal butler to Ciel whom he is contracted with. His true nature is somewhat sadistic, although he remains at Ciel's side like a shadow.

Played by: [ThePhivs]

Taken by: [Lillian Darby/Me]

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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Gen_boutons

A rather sadistic boy, he became interested in the whole case when he heard Ciel was involved.  After finding out they were striking nobles, he vowed to bring them down before they could do anything to him.

Played by: [Semicolon;]

Taken by: [x]

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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Claude-gifs-claude-faustus-23045785-392-220

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Alois's faithful butler. Follows his every word - although, he is starting to get restless and can sense other souls like Ciel's, and is somewhat jealous of Sebastian.

Played by: [x]

Taken by: [x]

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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Gen_boutons.php?text=William+T

A serious grim reaper who dragged along Grell with him due to the mysteriousness of names not in the death books dying.

Played by: [Anatee]

Taken by: [x]

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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Gen_boutons

Interested to get closer to Sebastian. Ends up getting interested in the subjects, often caught fighting when needed.

Played by: [Me]

Taken by: [x]

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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Gen_boutons

Currently the information hub for those involved. Doesn't participate in fights or searches unless supposed to. Rarely appears - he is often in his shop. Intruiged after a rise in people coming to him for funerals.

Played by: [x]

Taken by: [x]

[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Divider

Last edited by MadamePhantomTrancy on Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:21 pm; edited 11 times in total


Messages : 1326
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-03

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Post  MadamePhantomTrancy Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:30 pm

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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Gen_boutons
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Follow the forum rules. This includes everything from the swearing and inappropriate stuff. Please do not break them.
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Try to post 3 or more lines down if you can. More is much appreciated!

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Follow the storyline. No going off topic, please.

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If I should leave for a while I will appoint one person in charge of the topic until I am back.

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If you wish to talk to people here, please put your chat in brackets. They could be pink brackets, or red brackets, I don't mind, as long as you type within those brackets. That being said, please do not chat and not roleplay. Either roleplay and chat or just roleplay, that will be much appreciated!

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Be nice to people. So what if you've joined the same roleplay with someone you don't like? We're here to roleplay, not to argue. Don't argue here please, either.

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Try to have two OC's, who are original to this story, and play two canon characters if possible. With the OC's, they have to be of a different being. Don't have two demons. Have a human and a demon, or a demon and a shinigami, and vice versa.

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I trust if you want to join you've read this, so have fun!

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Messages : 1326
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-03

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Post  MadamePhantomTrancy Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:45 pm

[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Divider

By the power of all things supernatural, I declare this mystery open for demons, humans and shinigami alike!

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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Giphy

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Messages : 1326
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-03

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Post  MadamePhantomTrancy Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:52 pm

[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Gen_boutons.php?text=Im+keen+on+reaching+my+goals
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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Anim._haruhi
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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Gen_boutons
Esther Kisling is a 15 year old girl, although her cut-short hair may make people confuse her for a boy. It's a daily pain for her although that's the least of her worries.

How did her hair get so short, you may ask? She was the result of human testing. From birth, her mother had signed her up to the company for the 'futuristic' humans they hoped for dearly to create with human subjects. They shaved off her hair from a young age, and continued that while they kept her inside for thirteen years. Unlike past people, the serums never worked on her. She however had earned vicious scars from allergic reactions to the chemicals, which she still has to this day.

After being deemed a 'useless' subject at 13 years old, the doctors couldn't set her back into society, so they were going to execute her and various other subjects.  But then, she was mysteriously saved...

She currently knows of the existence of demons and other paranormal beings, and after 'escaping' back into society she sought a private life, establishing connections with those in contracts and normal people alike.

She eventually grew back her hair slowly, and has a wide range of servants serving herself. But to this day, she cannot stand looking at people who are wearing white coats and avoids wearing the colour herself.

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[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Fancy-divider

Esther was born on the 25th of January, on a day of heavy snowing. Her basic likes include nature, hot tea, being cared for and fussed over and dressing up in gowns.

Her dislikes are comments on her hair or asking how it came to be that short,flashbacks,nightmares, too much darkness and eerie silences.

Her star sign is Capricorn, and her personality is somewhat nice, but will turn rather sadistic when faced with enemies. To this day she can't find where the people who'd kept her for over a decade are, which is her main focus.

She tends to often be consumed in thought, and is very skilled when it comes to stealth. In fits of rage she will loose most of this, which is her downfall, but it takes alot to anger her.

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Face claim ;; Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran high school host club


[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Gen_boutons.php?text=Ive+seen+many+horrors+in+my+life..
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Lillian is a demon to put it simply. But, she hasn't been a demon all her life. She was born in the year of 1693, to a group of poor parents. They could not care for her, and after dying of cholera, Lillian was accepted into an orphanage, and heard a tale that you could get your wish granted if you followed instructions.

She decided to join a group with them and carry out the procedure, but when it was carried out, she had encountered a demon. Making a quick wish, she awoke to find all of her friends dead, and she vanished from the orphanage to live a private life. She lived through many deaths of people she knew, saw diseases that ravaged whole communities and was betrayed in the five years she spent with the demon. But after he was tricked, Lillian was turned into a demon by an unknown cause and her butler had to work under her rule. After her butler committed 'demon suicide' by ordering a shinigami to pierce him with their death scythe, she was alone. Despite being a demon, there was a soul still hidden within her, but locked to demons who tried to extract it without her permission, and a contract is still possible, but she doesn't wish to have one.

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After living through many more horrible things, it eventually came to the Victorian times. Lillian wasn't in a contract with anyone, opting to fit in with humans instead of being in the depths of hell, and her emotions less extravagant, slowly becoming more and more demon like, and at the present day, her emotions almost completely demon like.

The recent case of those in contracts disappearing alarmed her, and although she couldn't care less about other demons perishing, she had one concern. She found that her old butler looked astoundingly like Sebastian, which chilled her to the bone, making her interested in the case rather than turning down the invitation.

Most of what happened in her past she refuses to tell, utterly remaining an enigma to most. Her appearance is somewhat similar to that of someone of 22 years of age, although sometimes she may look younger.
She always wears a red scarf with her, for unknown reasons, but likes to leave people guessing. As a demon she possesses powers alike to Sebastian and Claude's and seems to be acquainted with Hannah Anafeloz, the two on good terms to say at least, since they show no rivalry.

Overall, Lillian is a reserved, mature and quiet girl but also has moments when she will stand up for whatever reasons necessary. Her weakness is the unknown. She fears things she doesn't know about, so this crime case intrigued her greatly.
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Face claim;; Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan
Taken by;; Sebastian Michaelis

Last edited by MadamePhantomTrancy on Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:22 pm; edited 3 times in total


Messages : 1326
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-03

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Post  Semicolon; Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:23 pm

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Amelia Drake was born September 17, 1562. Her father was Sir Francis Drake, an English privateer, navigator, and politician in the Elizabeth Era. Amelia had been born out of wedlock by one of her father's many mistresses at the time. Because of this, she, his only child, was never known of. Her mother had been poor when she met her father, and that only improved slightly after her death, which lead her mother to die of ailments and hunger. This happened when Amelia was 15, plenty old enough to care for herself. But sadly, she too started to suffer from starvation. During this time, Amelia had been working with the ill as a nurse, working for loafs of bread or jam. Money wasn't important to the small girl. Sadly, a year later, a Reaper came to visit her to collect her soul. Seeing that she had done good in her life, he decided not to take it, but rather turn her into one of him, as going back to her ordinary life was sure to put her into the same situation. She was nearly 17 when she became a proper Grim Reaper.

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Now, frozen at 16, Amelia works as a maid in the Tanner family. She only started recently, when the amount of deaths in the city started to go up. The reapers needed someone close so things wouldn't get out of hand, and since she looked the youngest and could pass for a maid better than the others could as butlers, they hurried her to the job, where she was quickly accepted. The blonde's death scythe is a knife, which can grow and shrink depending on the situation she is in. She usually keeps it in her pocket, made into the smallest it can be, so she could have it on her at all times. Like all Reapers, she is nearsighted, and therefor must wear glasses. Unlike the male Reapers, the female reapers have violet eyes.

[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Giphy
[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] 2iazq7r
taken by;; ciel phantomhive
face claim;; tsukumo [karneval]

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Alabaster is an old demon, with the appearance of a 19 year old. Throughout his lifetime, he has been contracted to many people, who's deals were quite... dull for his taste. He is now a free demon, having just recently devoured the sour tasting soul of his last master, who wished for his late wife's killer to be found and killed. Something that happened quickly over the span of a month or so. Quite boring.
[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Tumblr_mnfxykRUEA1rskmo9o4_250xxxxxx[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Tumblr_mnfxykRUEA1rskmo9o9_r1_250xxxxxx[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] Tumblr_mnfxykRUEA1rskmo9o7_r1_250
[[• вlacĸ вυтler ♣• open ♣• sтarтed •  1 ѕpoт leғт •]] 2r3ggfk

face claim;; takumi usui [kaichou wa maid-sama]

Last edited by Semicolon; on Fri Aug 29, 2014 2:49 am; edited 4 times in total


Messages : 2194
Data de inscrição : 2014-02-26

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Post  MadamePhantomTrancy Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:03 pm

Sure! So, both of them are taken?  Very Happy 


Messages : 1326
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-03

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Post  Semicolon; Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:04 pm

{{No, she'll be taken by Ciel. I'll be playing Alois. :>


Messages : 2194
Data de inscrição : 2014-02-26

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