Naruto RPG (Start!)

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 61 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:36 pm

Vixen nodded pulling her red top over her face and putting her sunglasses on before dissapearing to the next village to get a brush for her pet rabbit hidden in her bag, plus she needed food for another freind in her bag as well. "It's ok we are away Flar". Vixen said when they were out of hearing shot. the tiny phoenix popped out and flew on vixens shoulder.

"So that is your uncle". she said

"Sure is. Don't worry i haven't forgotten the promise to find your way home".

"Shino your late". Hinata said. "Where is Kiba or are we doing this farming mission alone?" Hinata said. "We need to help bring the hay in and deliver the food to the store before closing time".


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 61 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  xSwimmieX Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:42 pm

Yasu let Namine take the conversation on, she had changed a lot over the past three years, which included her becoming much quieter.


Messages : 4669
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-03

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 61 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:52 pm

"I'm here... I'm here." Kiba sighed. "Relax."

"Sasuke..." Sasuke's teammate Suigetsu called out as he put his arm around Sasuke's shoulder.

Sasuke sighed in annoyance and asked, "So you guys finally got here."

"Sasuke-kun~" Sasuke's other teammate Karin called out all happily. "Sorry we were late~"

Kasumi's eyes widen and she quickly released Naruto. "Whoops! Sorry about that Naruto-kun." Kasumi giggled. "It's just that things has been really lonely lately ever since Namine grew up. Along with Yasu. Not to mention Vixen leaving the village as well." Kasumi start to sniff and gave a sad aura so Naruto can feel bad for her. "I been so lonely!!!"

"K-K-Kasumi-sensei calm down!" Naruto awkwardly chuckled. "Besides, you have to let them go at some point."

"I know..." Kasumi said as she was still sniffing.

Naruto sighed and Tsunade interrupted by clearing her throat. "Anyways, Naurto-kun how are your jinchuuriki powers?" Tsunade asked curiously.

"Not going that crazy old lady Tsunade." Naruto chuckled.

Namine finished escorting the villagers to the village and she waved bye to them. She then start to walk back to Konoha and report to Tsunade about the short mission she just did.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 61 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:57 pm

Hinata howed them the location of the farm they were helping out at today.

Vixen walked past her old team mates heading for the small village, She didn't even recognize them they had changed so much.


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 61 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:02 pm

"So what are we suppose to do again?" Kiba asked curiously.

"Jeez... are you really that forgetful Kiba?" Shino sighed in annoyance.

"Well, sorry! I'm always late sometimes." Kiba sighed in disappointment.

"Ok. Because, the Akatsuki has some kind of plan when you were in training. The ANBU is trying to see what's going on, but I want you and your team to work together and try to figure out the problem as well." Tsunade said.

Naruto gave a serious look and he nodded. "Master Tsunade, I already finished the paper works you told me to sort." Sakura sighed as she walked in the room.

Sakura set the papers down on the Hokage's desk and Naruto's eyes widen. "Sakura?" Naruto blinked.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 61 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  xSwimmieX Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:09 pm

Yasu was glad the mission hadn't taken as long as she'd expected it. The sun was beginning to redden a little, and that was worrying her. They'd never make it before dark, and it wasn't that she was afraid of the dark, but there had been rumors of assassin-nin running around. She didn't want to fight them while feeling tired, because that would be no good.

{{Correct me if I'm wrong about it being near evening.}}


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Data de inscrição : 2014-04-03

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 61 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:12 pm

(Not really. It's more like the middle of the day.)

Sakura glanced over and her eyes widen in shock. "Naruto!" Sakura gasped. "You changed so much!"

Naruto grinned happily, "I know, and you changed as well Sakura."

Sakura smiled and giggled, "Namine is on a short mission with Yasu right now so she'll be back soon."

Naruto nodded, "I heard."

Shizune smiled and interrupted the conversation, "It's nice to see a reunion happen."

Namine arrived back at Konoha with Yasu. Namine sighed in relief and she smiled, "It's so nice to be back here. Even though that mission was short."


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 61 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:18 pm

"We need to gather the hay then deliver the goods at the store befoure closing time". Hinata said

Vixen baught the brush then walked out if the village to find some where to sleep for 2 hours


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 61 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:26 pm

"Ok." Kiba nodded as he start helping out with the hay.

Sasuke was with his team and they were walking around. "Hey Sasuke, where's your niece?" Suigetsu asked curiously.

Sasuke gave an annoyed look and said, "She just off doing her own team."

"And you don't let her join our team?" Karin blinked.

"She doesn't trust Orochimaru." Sasuke mumbled.

"Tsunade-sama!" Namine called out.

Everyone glanced at the door and Namine walked in with Yasu. "Yasu and I have already finished the mission. You sure like to give us an easy..." Namine said until she stopped at the middle sentence. Namine's eyes widen as she notice Naruto standing right in front of her.

"Namine..." Naruto said as he notice how much Namine changed.

Namine stopped her sentence and notice so many people in the Hokage's office having a small reunion. "Naruto..." Namine said. She quickly rushed up to Naruto and hugged him tightly. "I can't believe you're back!" Namine smiled.

Naruto chuckled and hugged Namine back, "Nice to see you again Namine-chan."


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 61 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

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