Naruto RPG (Start!)

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 99 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:52 am

"We know..." Namine said with a nod.

"The rest of you guys may leave and get some rest from a long trip. As for Namine, I want her to stay for a little bit longer." Tsunade mentioned as she gave a stare at Namine.

Everyone nodded and walked away while for Namine stood in the same exact spot and watch as everyone left. When it was quiet and it was only her and Tsunade, Tsunade sighed and gave a small smile at Namine. "You sure like to be reckless huh?" Tsunade asked curiously. "You're just like your father Namine."

Namine gave a sad look and she sighed, "I'm sorry. But, I'm not really used to battling against the Akatsuki. You knew how strong they were and I know I'm suppose to keep fighting no matter what. I should have killed them back there when I had the chance."

Tsunade nodded, "It's nothing to worry about Namine. The main point is everyone is alright and safe."

"I guess you're right, Master Tsunade." Namine sighed as she knew she felt bad about what happened back at the mission.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 99 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:05 am

Vixen sat watching both paths waiting for Saskue to see what he was up to hoping to find a chance to get him away from Orichmaru but she was starting to loose all hope on this one. It was tempting to tell him exactly where his brother was with some promising to be made before the information was given. In the end she fell to sleep in the bush since nothing was really happening.


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 99 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Sat Oct 18, 2014 9:12 pm

Namine walked out of the Hokage's office and she gave a sad look. She had a long talk with the Hokage and she knew that she had to train more if ever goes again them. Just thinking about what Tsunade has said to her made her think too much. As Namine arrived outside she notice Naruto waiting and spacing out.

She gave a small smile and slowly walked up to him. Naruto got back to his senses and glanced over and notice Namine with her usual confuse look. He gave a wide smile and waved at her and Namine lightly giggled and continuing walking up to him, "You know you don't always have to wait for me you idiot." Namine mumbled.

"It's fine." Naruto shrugged. "You did took long though, what was Granny Tsunade talking about?" He suddenly gave a curious look.

Namine nodded her head sideways since she didn't want to talk about it. "It's nothing really." Namine said. "It's nothing to worry about."

"Gyah why is Orochimaru making us go out and go train..." Suigetsu muttered in boredom.

Sasuke and his team were walking on 2 paths somewhere close where Vixen is. "Because it's Orochimaru and we do as what he says." Karin said in a rude tone as she glared over at Suigetsu. "Jeez... so annoying." She muttered.

Sasuke gave an annoyed look since every single day he hear those 2 argue. Could this possibly get any worst? He thought to himself.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 99 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Sat Oct 18, 2014 9:19 pm

The arguing woke vixen up she lay there listening to them, hoping to find out where they were gong this time. She bit her lip trying not to breath hard.

Hinata was sat at home being made to watch her father train hard. She watched him carefully hoping to pick up some of the clans Technics.


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 99 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Sat Oct 18, 2014 9:27 pm

"What are we even suppose to do again Sasuke?" Jugo asked curiously.

"I have no clue. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying." Sasuke said as he come to a stop with 2 paths.

The other members gave a confused look and it was silence between them. "Where do we go?" Karin asked curiously.

"Your choice. I think I rather spend my time alone." Sasuke said.

"So you're leaving the mission to us?" Suigetsu asked as his eyes widen. "That's really smooth of you."

"I'll meet up with you guys. It's just that there's someone I should meet at the moment." Sasuke mentioned. "Jugo, I'm putting you in charge."

Jugo gave a nod and took the other 2 members on one of the paths while Sasuke just stayed right in the middle. He gave a sigh and glanced over at that bush. How long is it going to take for her to come out? He thought to himself.

Namine and Naruto were eating some ramen back at the ramen shop. Naruto was going nonstop with the ramen and then there was Namine who was lightly eating the ramen but at the same time was thinking about what the Hokage told her.

"We sure do miss you Naruto-kun." Ayame said with a smile.

"Naruto always makes this place busy." Teuchi chuckled.

Naruto smiled as he was slurping the noodles. "I missed your ramen so much. I can never stop eating it." Naruto chuckled.

"Well that's Naruto for you." Ayame giggled.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 99 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Sat Oct 18, 2014 9:38 pm

Vixen hid her bag when she knew his team mates were out of site. "How do you put up with them they are go loud". She said to him stretching her arms then pulling out leaves and twing's from her hair. "What would you say if i knew where father was?"


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 99 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:51 am

"Naruto has been my teammate as well. And I have got to admit those 2 are more annoying than him." Sasuke sighed in an irritated tone. "Plus you can't really hide that easily Vixen. I can always feel your presence near by."


Naruto was enjoying talking to both Teuchi and Ayame. He suddenly glanced over and notice Namine was kind of spaced out and she was staring down at her ramen with a sad look. "Namine-chan?" Naruto called out in a confused tone.

Namine suddenly snapped out of it and notice Naruto and the others staring at her. "Huh?!" Namine blinked. "S-Sorry I spaced out." She awkwardly chuckled.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 99 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:57 am

"Who says i was hiding they woke me up". Vixen said. The matter that she fell to sleep waiting for him to see what he was up to was not the point. "Do you want to know where your brother is or not? and that is hard to bleave that anyone can be more annoying than a young Naruto".


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 99 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Sun Oct 19, 2014 1:22 am

"Naruto is still more annoying, but since I have been with those 2, there more annoying." Sasuke sighed. "And what do you mean you know where Itachi is?" Sasuke suddenly asked as he gave a serious look at his niece.

Namine and Naruto finished their ramen and Naruto decided to walk Namine back to her place. Naruto glanced over and notice how silent Namine was lately. "Namine, what did Granny Tsunade seriously said to you?" Naruto asked curiously.

"She didn't say anything mean Naruto." Namine said as she sighed sadly. "I'm just over thinking it too much."


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 99 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

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