Naruto RPG (Start!)

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 105 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:24 am

"Kind of..." Namine said as she was listening to Vixen's explanation. "Tsunade signed me to stay with Naruto whenever we go on missions."

"But, it might be a bad idea because since the Akatsuki is after us we should separate sometimes since if both of us are kidnap, who knows what would happen to the village." Naruto mentioned as he gave a worried look at Namine.

Namine gave a nod at Naruto, "I agree... but if it's what Tsunade-sama wants then I trust her. She has been training me when I was little and she improve this much."

"Nami, I'm just worried." Naruto sighed. "You were kidnapped by them before and you were lucky that we saved you in time. What if it happened again?!" Naruto suddenly asked.

"If it does happen might as well fight for it. Gaara almost died, and there is no way they are going to be taking the monster out of me." Namine said as she bit the bottom of her lip in worry.

Naruto gave sad look and slowly looked away. "I understand..." Naruto said in an upset tone.

"I know it's hard for you Vixen." Namine said as she glanced over at Vixen with an unsure look. "But, don't worry... something will come up to Sasuke and he will be back to his old self... hopefully."


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 105 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:44 am

"But who will it be next time we meet him? I am not sure on how much time Saskue has left". Vixen said pulling her knees in fount of her face. "You know Naruto is right about splitting up sometimes but then again it's also a bad idea especially since you are both stronger when your friends are close by, if you are both caught I am sure your tempers will get the best of you both. All you need to do is remember who you are". She paused. "There is a theory about the other problem, kill the host and place the beast or spirit into another host or vestal, doing it that way also brings a possibility of sealing them into objects but there is no guarantees that any of this will work and either way the original host dies just for power or to prove some stupid theory". It was her own idea, and they were the only two she has told it come when she thought what happens when the host died from natural courses. "I understand if you think it's stupid theory". She mumbled from under her breath.


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 105 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:05 pm

"It can kind of work." Naruto said as he gave an unsure look.

"Oh there you guys are!" A voice suddenly interrupted the conversation.

Both Naruto and Namine glanced over and spotted Sakura casually walking up to them. "Namine, Master Tsunad is looking for you. She said she needs to discuss about something with you." Sakura mentioned.

"Ok." Namine nodded.

"And as for you Naruto, Kakashi-sensei say he want to see us. Something about adding a new member to the team." Sakura said as she gave an unsure look.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 105 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Sun Mar 22, 2015 7:49 pm

"Like I said it was only a theory and I don't want either of you to try it. Nothing is worth looking your lives over like that. Besides even if it works, you will be dead and no guarantee's everyone will stay safe so don't go trying anything reckless". Vixen said to Naruto and Namie. "That's my que I had better go, if you need me I won't be too far". She said getting up when Sakura was in site. Has it really been that long to be replacing Saskue already. She didn't know. "Bye for now and good luck with what ever your meeting is about". She added rushing over the boarder line and waving good bye.

Hinata was watching the children gather flowers on the hill like they all did as children, she watched them with a smile on her face keeping out of there site so she wouldn't disturb there class. That part of there classes was always fun.


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 105 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:11 pm

Naruto and Namine arrived back at the village and went to go do their thing. As Namine arrived at Tsunade's office, she notice Tsunade was doing some paper works along with Shizune. "Master Tsunade." Namine said as she smiled and walked in the office. "Sakura told me that you needed me. What is it?" She tilted her head curiously at the Hokage.

"I'm sending you out on a mission." Tsunade said as she was focus on the papers.

"Mission? What is it?" Namine blinked as she was surprise about the short notice.

"Apparently the village Yukigakure is kind of in trouble." Tsunade mentioned as she gave a serious look at Namine.

"Ok...?" Namine said in a confused tone. "How bad is it?"

"It's not bad, the village just needs your help with something." Tsunade said. "You see the leader of the village is having trouble with his daughter, aka the princess. The girl is having trouble on following the rules so the village want you to disguise as the princess since you look just like her."

Namine heard the whole explanation and she gave an annoyed look. "Tsunade-sama... are you serious..." She muttered at the mission.

"Namine it's an easy mission. Plus being a princess for one day won't be that bad." Tsunade said as she smiled widely at her.

Namine groaned and sighed, "Ok... I'll start leaving today."

"Excellent! Don't worry, you will do fine." Tsunade chuckled.

Naruto and Sakura arrived at the training field where Kakashi was talking to an unfamiliar person to both Naruto and Sakura. "Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto called out. "You wanted us to meet you here?"

"Naruto, Sakura... I want you to meet Yamato-sensei. He would also be siding along us with the missions." Kakashi mentioned.

"It's nice to meet you guys." Yamato said as he glanced over both Naruto and Sakura.

"You too!" Naruto grinned.

"We also have a new member for the team as well." Kakashi mentioned as he glanced over at the guy right behind him.

"Hi." The person said as he smiled at Sakura and Naruto. "My name is Sai."

"Sai... wait, he's the one who is replacing Sasuke?" Sakura asked curiously.

"Not really." Kakashi said.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 105 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:18 pm

Hinata walked off back to her fathers house to get his meal ready. she left it on the counter when she was done then went off to do some training in the river.

Vixen climbed into the trees on the boarder line of the leaf village hoping to relax for a little bit without having to hid under a bush for once. A nice change to have a view to look at. "I wonder how they are both getting on". She thought to herself


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 105 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:28 pm

Namine was at home packing her things. She sighed wondering how much stuff she should bring because she wasn't sure how long was she was going to stay there. As she was packing, she heard a knock on the door. Namine curiously tilted her head and walked over to it. Once she opened it, it revealed Naruto happily smiling at her. "Hey!" Naruto chuckled as he walked in.

"What are you doing here?" Namine asked curiously as she crossed her arms at Naruto.

"Chilling of course. And we got some new members for the team." Naruto said as he set the food down that he brought for him and Namine.

"Really?" Namine blinked. "That's great!" She smiled at him.

"I guess," Naruto shrugged. "I mean that Sai guy, he looks mysterious. I tried being friendly with him but, I got nothing Namine."

"Well, making a new friend takes time." Namine said as she got some plates ready and set it at the table.

"How about you?" Naruto asked curiously. "What did Granny Tsunade want?"

"She is setting me out on a mission tomorrow." Namine shrugged as she got some of the food and start eating some.

"Really?!" Naruto gasped in shock. "So you're leaving tomorrow. How long is it going to be?"

"That's the thing." Namine sighed. "I really don't know. She wants me to go to Yukigakure for a reason."

"The village of snow." Naruto blinked. "It sounds pretty far."

"Don't worry." Namine smiled. "I got transportation."

"You sure you're going to be ok. I mean, what am I going to do now since you're going to be gone?" Naruto pouted at his best friend.

Namine gave him a soft smile and patted his head. "Train of course. I won't be gone for long." Namine said as she looked away from him avoiding eye contact.

Naruto gave a sad look and continue on eating his food.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 105 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  eliment Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:36 pm

Hinata continued to dance on the water increasing her speed and flexibility it also helped her increase her eye site without any use of her choukra.

"I wonder if that rumour was true about someone some how putting chokura in ordinary things making them objects do scary things". Vixen sighed looking up throw the trees.
"I am sure if it was you would have come across it". Flar said inside of her bag.
"Yer I guess your right flar. I wonder how the others are doing in there meetings". She added sitting up.
"I am sure they are fine you are getting soft to stay here for this length of time".  Flar said from inside of vixens bag.
"Maybe but I did grow up here for a short time". She added looking in the village direction. "Namie was the first one close to my age to speak to me when we all graduated. Seems like only yesterday. I can't remember how many years it has been now. You will understand someday when a way to send you home is found".


Messages : 14041
Data de inscrição : 2014-04-01

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Naruto RPG (Start!) - Page 105 Empty Re: Naruto RPG (Start!)

Post  khlover22 Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:47 pm

Throughout the whole day everyone was just doing their usual routine. The next day and Namine woke up bright and early. She got her bag ready and she put her mask up and walked out the door. As she locked the door from behind, as soon as she turned around she notice Naruto waiting for her. "Morning!" Naruto smiled at her.

"Would you stop stalking me." Namine rolled her eyes as she was surprise that Naruto was up this early.

"I just wanted to see you go." Naruto said. "You can't just leave without saying goodbye." He grinned.

"It's just a mission Naruto." Namine said as she looked away. "I'll be back soon." She smiled underneath her mask.

Namine walked up to the front gates where she notice people from the village waiting for her. Tsunade was also here and Namine slowly walked up to them. "You're ready to go Namine?" Tsunade asked curiously.

"Yeah." Namine nodded.

"Namine, this is Ari and Niriko. They will be escorting you to their village." Tsunade mentioned.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Namine. You really do look like the princess." Ari smiled at Namine.

"Thanks..." Namine awkwardly chuckled.

Namine glanced over at Naruto start to hug him tightly. Naruto smiled and just hugged her back. "See you soon." Naruto said as he patted Namine's head.

Namine glanced over and notice Niriko giving her a curious look. "Is that your boyfriend?" Niriko smiled at the couple.

"W-What?!" Namine blinked. "No! We're just friends."

Niriko giggled as she notice Namine was blushing a little. Namine waved at Tsunade and Naruto and she start following Ari and Niriko to the village.


Messages : 5440
Data de inscrição : 2014-06-24

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